RealWorks 12.4

Version 12.4 of the Trimble® RealWorks software is available from 27 April 2023.

These Release Notes describe the new features and changes available in this release of the Trimble RealWorks software. Alternatively, you can download these release notes as a PDF file.


New features

Create Cable Tray

Create models of cable trays using the new Create Cable Tray tool. With the same workflow as the Create Pipe tool, you can quickly create model objects for straight segments, elbows, concentric reducers, eccentric reducers, tees and crosses.


Pipe modeling improvement: small diameter piping

The functionality of the Create Pipe tool is improved to model small diameter pipes effectively.

Pipe modeling improvement: forced elbow creation

Hold CTRL when picking a point to force the creation of an elbow that corresponds to the geometry of the point cloud. Hold ALT for elbow creation that does not correspond to the point cloud.

Pipe modeling improvement: fitting

The Create Pipe model creation algorithm is more accurate, limiting the need for manual adjustment.

Pipe/Cable Tray modeling improvement: user tips

User tips have been added within the Create Pipe and Create Cable Tray tools. Tips can be activated with the new Show All Tips button.



Create keyplan from ortho-image

Use ortho imagery – either imported or generated within the software – to create key plans with additional context when using Trimble Scan Explorer. Ortho-images can be plans, blue prints, maps, aerial imagery, etc.

PNG support

RealWorks now imports PNG format images.

Data management

New features

Direct link to Revit for cable trays

Directly send the cable tray objects created in the software to Autodesk® Revit® for an intuitive and productive combined workflow. All you need to do is to start Revit from the software (go to Revit® > Open Revit® in the Home or Model tab in Production), select the desired cable tray runs, and press Send to Revit®. This creates new native Revit objects directly in the open session of Revit. Compatible objects include straight segments, elbows, tees, and reducers. Autodesk Revit needs to be installed, with a proper license, to be able to use this feature.


Improved display performance with large datasets

Performance is improved when displaying / hiding numerous clouds or geometries.

Showing / Hiding the whole project is now faster.

Higher frame rates can now be achieved when viewing targets.

Improved performance in Registration tools

The performance of the Station setup, target-analyzer and geo-refencing tools has been improved when applying changes.

User interface

New features

Pivot navigation

While in the Examiner view, use the right mouse button to rotate the viewing direction around the current camera position. This is similar to the station-based view but from any location in the project.

Reposition toolbars

Use the new Reposition Toolbars command to move all open toolbars to the top left corner of the 3D view. This is especially useful for multi‑screen setups. CTRL+ALT+T shortcut.


Hide station markers outside of limit box

When a limit box is created, all station markers outside of the visible area will be hidden.



Microsoft Windows 11 support

RealWorks can now be run on the latest operation system Microsoft® Windows® 11.

Resolved issues

  • 3D Display: improved performance issues with new generation Intel graphics cards

  • TDX Import: fixed issue with file names containing non-ASCII characters

  • TZF Import: scans from the same station imported at different times are now grouped

  • TZF Import: corrected color inversion when displaying annotations in the 3D view

  • RCP Export: the speed is increased, especially for area scans

  • RCP Export: fixed issue with missing panorama images

  • Revit Export: RealWorks Import Options within the Revit project are now saved

  • PTX Export: when converting TZF to PTX range filter now applies

  • PTX Export: for leveled scans, tilt compensation now applies to points instead of the frame

  • KMZ Export: resolved issue introduced in version 12.0

  • Ortho Projection: altering view settings changed ortho image orientation

  • 3D Inspection Analyzer: histogram values now updates when changing the length unit

  • 3D Selection: pipe objects selected in the 3D area are now available for export

  • Annotations: fixed display issue when opening and closing annotation

  • Contour Labels: resolved crash when closing contour tool with station labels disabled

  • Target-Based Registration Check: corrected registration details where last line was cut off

  • Shading Display: removed visible artifacts when using ambient shading

  • Station Setup: improved stability after manually deleting the current station within the tool

  • License Error: removed invalid license message with remote access and dongle license

  • Video Creator: fixed issue where polyline would not display until the toolbar was shifted

  • Export Log: fixed error where export log was not generated from the Support tab

  • Check for Updates: fixed broken URL link