To compute an intersection

To compute and store points at the intersection of features in the map:

  1. In the map, select the entities to intersect. You can select:
    • two points and a line
    • two lines
    • two arcs
    • two points and an arc
    • a line and an arc
  2. Tap and hold in the map and select Compute intersection.
  3. If required, enter a horizontal and/or vertical offset for each entity. Tap to select the appropriate offset direction.

    The horizontal offset direction is relative to the selected direction of the entity.

  4. In the Assign elevation using field, select how the elevation for the intersection point will be calculated.

    The available options depend on the entities selected but can include:

    • None – the elevation will be null
    • Line/Arc 1 – the elevation is computed using the grade of the first line/arc
    • Line/Arc 2 – the elevation is computed using the grade of the second line/arc
    • Average – the average of the elevations is computed using the grade of the first and second line/arc
  5. Tap Calc.

    When one or both entities are an arc, two intersections may be computed. You can store both points. If you don't want to store the first point, tap Skip.

  6. Tap Store..