Viewing coordinates as a station and offset

You can key in or review a point by station and offset relative to a:

  • Line
  • Arc
  • Alignment
  • Tunnel
  • Road

If the selected entity has an elevation for the entered station, the elevation for the keyed in point can be defined by a V.dist value applied relative to the elevation of the vertical alignment at that station.

For a road with templates assigned, the V.dist value is applied relative to the resulting cross section at the entered station and offset.

For a tunnel with templates assigned, the V.dist value is always applied relative to the elevation of the vertical alignment at the entered station.

If the Coordinate view is set to Station and offset relative to a road, tunnel, or alignment, then the station and offset for the point is to the intersection point of two horizontal alignment elements when:

  • the horizontal alignment includes consecutive elements that are non tangential;
  • the point is beyond the end tangent point of the incoming element but before the start tangent point of the next element; and
  • the point is on the outside of the horizontal alignment.

The exception to this behavior is if the distance from the point to the intersection point is greater than the distance to another element in the horizontal alignment. In that case, the station and offset for the point is to the closer element.

Where the point is on the inside of the horizontal alignment, then the station and offset is relative to the closest horizontal element.

Where the point is before the start of the horizontal alignment or beyond the end of the alignment, the station and offset for the point is null.

To change the term used for distances in the software to Chainage instead of the default Station, tap and select Settings / Language.