To create a local job

  1. Tap and select Job.

    Jobs for the current project are shown. The name of the current project is indicated at the top of the Jobs screen.

  2. Tap New.

    The New Job screen appears automatically when you create a project.

  3. To create a job from a template or the last used job:
    1. Select the Create from template option.

    2. Enter the Job name.
    3. In the Template field, select:
      • Default to create the job from the default template provided with the software.

      • <Template name> if you have created a job template. See Job templates.
      • Last used job.

      All the job properties from the selected template or job are copied into the job.

      The button next to each property field shows a summary of the current properties.

  4. To create a job from a JobXML or DC file:
    1. Select the Create from JobXML or DC file option.
    2. Enter the Job name.
    3. Select the File format.

      If you are unsure of the file format, select any format and the software will check this when it imports the file.

    4. In the From file field, select the file. Tap to navigate to a folder.
    5. Tap Accept.
    6. Tap OK.
  5. To define or change the job properties, tap the appropriate button. Tap:
    • Coord. sys. to choose the coordinate system for the job. See Coordinate system.
    • Units to select the units and formats for numerical values. See Units.
    • Linked files to link CSV, TXT or job files so that you have access to the points in those files without adding them to the job (for example, a file containing control points). See Linked files
    • Map files to add data to the job and make the data visible and selectable in the map. See To add data to the map.
    • Feature library to associate a feature library with the job. See Feature library.
    • Cogo settings to set the coordinate geometry settings for the job. See Cogo settings.
    • Additional settings to set additional settings for the job. See Additional settings.
    • Media file button to link media files to the job or to points in the job. See Media files.
    • If required, enter Reference, Description and Operator details, and any Notes.

      To set default values for the Reference, Description, Operator, or Notes fields, use a text editor to modify the JobDetails.scprf file in the C:\ProgramData\Trimble\Trimble Data\System Files folder.

  6. Tap Accept.