
Define a subgrade when the cross section represents the finished road surface and you need to stake the points defining other surfaces in the road – typically the subgrade.

Subgrade points are computed by creating a temporary line that is parallel to, and offset from, a line between two strings in the cross section. The points can then be selected for stakeout:

You must be in the cross section view to define a subgrade. You cannot define a subgrade from the Stakeout method screen or when measuring your position relative to a road or a string.

To define a subgrade

  1. From the cross section view, tap the line (1) that will define the subgrade. The selected line appears as a bold green line.

    You cannot select a line that defines a side slope to define a subgrade.

  2. From the pop-up menu, select Define subgrade, enter the depth to subgrade (2) where the depth is from the selected line to the subgrade surface, and tap OK.

    A dashed green line (3) extends to intersect with all encountered lines in the cross section. If no intersection(s) are found, computed points are created at the same start and end offsets as that of the selected line. The single circles (4) indicate the computed positions.

  3. Tap Start.
  4. Tap the position that you want to stake.
  5. Navigate to the target and then stake the position.
  6. To exit the subgrade function, tap the selected line (1).