To define a GENIO road
To define a road you must select the GENIO file and then select the strings in the GENIO file to include in the new road definition.
- Tap in the map toolbar and select the Map files tab.
- Select the GENIO file to see the list of available master strings in the file. To make the string visible in the map, tap the name of the master string you want to define the road and then tap it again to make it selectable in the map. Tap Accept.
From the map, tap the master string to select it and then tap Define to define a new GENIO road.
The Create new GENIO road screen appears. To continue, see To define the new road below.
- Tap and select Define.
- Select GENIO road.
- In the Select GENIO file screen, select the GENIO file. The file must be in the current project folder.
- Tap Edit.
Tap New.
The Create new GENIO road screen appears. To continue, see To define the new road below.
In the Create new GENIO road screen, enter the road name. Tap OK.
The software shows all the strings in the selected file.
Tap the strings you want to add to the road. To select multiple strings, drag a box around them.
Selected master strings are shown as solid red circles. Selected substrings are shown as solid blue circles.
- To pan around the screen, use the softkeys or tap and hold the pan softkey to make it active and then press the arrow keys.
- To see your current position when defining a road, start a survey.
- To deselect a string, tap it again. To clear your current selection, from the tap and hold menu select Clear selection.
To select strings from a list, tap and hold on the screen and then select List selection. Tap string names to select them. Selected strings appear in the list with a check mark next to them.
To change the string type or to rename a string, tap Edit. Although string names in GENIO files are limited to four characters, this limitation does not apply when you rename it in Trimble Access.
- Tap Accept.
- Tap Store.
- A road can include only one master string (6D). If the GENIO file does not include a 6D string but does include a 12D string, then the Roads software will generate a 6D string with the same geometry as the 12D string and positions every 5 meters / feet.
- Where available, Trimble recommends that you include the 12D string that is coincident with the selected master string in the road. 12D strings include the geometry for the vertical alignment that enables the Roads software to correctly interpolate elevations between positions along the master string.
- If a road includes a 12D string or if there is a 12D string in the GENIO file that is related to the 6D string in the road the station values in the 12D string that define the horizontal alignment are suffixed with their appropriate acronyms. For example, PC for the start of a curve.
- Because the station values for 3D and 5D strings are defined relative to the selected 6D string, select strings that obviously define a road.
- If required, you can exclude the master string at stakeout. See To exclude the master string at stakeout.
- Unselected master and geometry strings appear as hollow red circles. Unselected substrings (3D and 5D) appear as hollow dark gray circles.
- Tap and hold on a string to browse the string name. For a master (6D) string the station range is also displayed.
- To define a new 3D string, tap and hold on the screen and then select New string. This option is not available until you have selected a master (6D) string.