Stations available for stakeout
You can customize the stations available for stakeout in an RXL, LandXML, or 12da road when staking a:
Station on string
Skew offset
To customize the stations available, select the stakeout method and then tap next to the Station field in the Stakeout screen. The Select station screen appears, listing the stations on the centerline. Tap Edit to modify the station interval and the types of available stations.
Station interval settings
If required, edit the Station interval for lines and Station interval for arcs and transitions or accept the default value set when the road was defined. A separate station interval value for arcs and transitions enables you to tighten the interval for curves and more accurately represent the design on the ground.
Select the station interval Method:
The 0 based method is the default method and gives station values that are multiples of the station interval. For example, if the start station is 2.50 and the station interval is 10.00, the 0 based method produces stations at 2.50, 10.00, 20.00, 30.00 and so on.
The Relative method gives station values relative to the start station. For example, if the start station is 2.50 and the station interval is 10.00, the Relative method produces stations at 2.50, 12.50, 22.50, 32.50, and so on.
If you have configured different values for the Station interval for lines and the Station interval for arcs and transitions, then the list of available stations may include stations at different intervals.
Available stations
To configure the types of available stations, select the appropriate Available Stations check boxes.
Depending on the road type, you can select the following:
- Computed Sections defined by the station interval
- Horizontal Curve (key stations defined by the horizontal alignment)
- Vertical Curve (key stations defined by the vertical alignment)
- Template (stations where templates have been assigned)
- Super/Widen (stations where superelevation and widening has been assigned)
The station abbreviations used in the Roads software are:
Abbreviation | Meaning |
CS | Curve to transition |
CXS | Computed sections defined by the station interval |
DXS | Design sections defined by the positions in the file |
Hi | Vertical curve high point |
Lo | Vertical curve low point |
PC | Point of curvature (Tangent to curve) |
PI | Point of intersection |
PT | Point of tangent (Curve to tangent) |
RE | Road end |
RS | Road start |
SC | Transition to curve |
SEE | Superelevation end |
SEM | Superelevation maximum |
SES | Superelevation start |
SS | Transition to transition |
ST | Transition to tangent |
STEQ | Station equation |
T | Template assignment |
TS | Tangent to transition |
VCE | Vertical curve end |
VCS | Vertical curve start |
VPI | Vertical point of intersection |
WE | Widening end |
WM | Widening maximum |
WS | Widening start |