Traverse calculations

In a conventional survey, if you have surveyed a series of points using traverse stations, then you can use the Traverse function to calculate closed‑loop traverses or open traverses that start and end on pairs of known points.

A valid traverse station has one or more backsight observations to the previous traverse station, and one or more observations to the next traverse station. To compute a traverse closure, there must be at least one distance measurement between successive points used in the traverse.

If the software calculates a misclosure then you can adjust it using either a Transit or Compass (also known as Bowditch) adjustment. The software calculates an angular adjustment and then a distance adjustment.

The Azimuth fields do not have to be completed for points used in the traverse. If the foresight azimuth is null in a loop traverse but all angles have been observed, you can compute an angular and distance adjustment. However, if the backsight azimuth is null, the traverse cannot be oriented, adjusted coordinates cannot be stored, and an angular adjustment cannot be computed on an open traverse (you must compute a distance adjustment).