Station setup
In a conventional survey, you must complete a station setup to orientate the instrument. You must have a current station setup before you can use the Turn to or Joystick functions to turn a servo or robotic instrument.
To complete a new station setup during a conventional survey, tap and select Measure / New <station setup>. To perform a different type of setup to the current setup you must first end the survey.
Select the station setup appropriate to your requirements:
- To complete a standard station setup where the instrument is set up on a known point or if you are performing a traverse type survey, select Station setup.
- To measure multiple backsights, measure points using multiple rounds of observations, or to obtain better quality control of your observations, select Station setup plus or Resection. Both methods enable you to:
- measure multiple backsight points
- measure backsight and foresight points
- measure one or more rounds of observations
- review the quality of the observations and remove bad observations
- To determine the coordinates of the instrument point by making observations to known backsight points, select Resection.
To determine the position of an occupied point relative to a baseline by taking measurements to two known or unknown baseline definition points, select Refline.
This method is often used when setting out buildings parallel to other objects or boundaries. Once this occupation point is defined, all subsequent points are stored relative to the baseline as a station and offset.
- To capture scans or panoramas using the Trimble SX10 or SX12 scanning total station and the instrument is located on a point for which there are no known coordinates, select Scan station.
To set up the total station in an environment where the Z axis is not parallel to the vertical axis of the instrument, select Object oriented setup.
- If you are satisfied the last completed station setup in the current job is still valid, and you wish to continue observing points from this station, select Use last.
To use the last completed station setup in a different job, select Copy last. This option is useful when, for example, you want to store the topo data in one job and the as-built data in another job, and you don't need to re-observe the station setup in the second job.
You should only select Copy last if you are satisfied that the last completed station setup is still valid and you wish to continue observing points from this station. When using a previous station setup, it is good practice to always observe a checkshot to the backsight when you start the survey.