To measure by averaging observations

In a conventional survey, increase the measurement precision by averaging a predefined number of observations.

The averaged observations method is not available when you are connected to a Trimble SX10 or SX12 scanning total station.

  1. Tap and select Measure / Measure topo.
  2. Enter the Point name and Code. See To select feature codes.

    If the selected code has attributes, the Attrib softkey appears. Tap Attrib and fill out the attribute fields. See To enter attribute values when measuring a point. Tap Store.

  3. In the Method field, select Averaged observations.
  4. To set the number of observations taken by the instrument, tap Options.
  5. Enter a value in the Target height field. See Target height.

  6. Aim the instrument at the target, prism or, if using DR mode, at the object to be measured.
  7. Tap Measure.

    While the instrument is carrying out the measurements, standard deviations are displayed for the horizontal (HA) and vertical (VA) angles, and the slope distance (SD).

  8. Tap Store.


  • To search for the next available point name, tap Find. Enter the point name you want to start searching from (for example, 2000) and tap Enter. The software searches for the next available point name after 2000 and inserts it in the Point name field.

  • When measuring an Averaged observation tap Enter to accept the measurement before the required number of observations has been completed.