To merge tally and joint map updates

When changes to the tally file are uploaded from the field, the user name of the team member who uploaded the data appears below the name of the pipeline in the Project overview screen.

  1. In the Project overview screen, click the pipeline when the status of uploaded tally and joint map data is New.

    The Merge tally screen appears, showing the changes to be merged from the currently selected team member.

    If there are changes from more than one team member to merge, you can select a different team member from the list at the top of the screen. Once those changes are merged you can select the next set of changes to merge.

  2. Review the changes to be merged in the Joints and Joint mappings tables.

    New data from the field is colored gray. Data updated in the field that may conflict with previous changes is colored yellow and appears near the top of the table. The text below the table row indicates the previous change to provide context for the updated data.

    Updated data that is not highlighted yellow in the Merge tally screen includes when position or timestamp information or photos are added, or when a unique ID is added to an existing joint (as when working with data from a manifest).

  3. If a duplicate joint ID is found, the relevant table row is highlighted. Check with the field crew which ID should be used and then enter the correct joint ID in the highlighted table row. Click Revalidate to remove the error.
  4. If an unknown joint ID is found, the relevant table row is highlighted:
    1. Check if the joint ID was entered incorrectly and if so, enter the correct joint ID in the highlighted table row. Click Revalidate to remove the error.
    2. If the unknown joint ID is correct and has simply not yet been added to the project, add the unknown ID as a new joint. To do this, click the table row. In the Add New Joint dialog, enter the details for the new joint and then click Add Joint. The new joint is added to the joint map file for the project, and the data in the Merge tally screen refreshes.
    3. Repeat steps a and b for all unknown joints.
  5. To reject any data so that it is not merged to the master tally set, clear the check box next to the appropriate table row.
  6. Click Publish new master files.

    The updated set of master tally files is published to the cloud, ready for download to the controller.

  7. if there are updates from other team members to merge, the Merge tally screen shows the changes to be merged from the next team member. Repeat the process to merge data from that team member.

Once all updated data has been merged, the software returns to the Project overview screen. You can generate reports of the latest changes to the master tally set, or download the updated master tally file set from the Pipeline dashboard.