Creating and managing projects

All project management functionality is available in the Manage Terra Office Projects window—creating a project, editing a project, setting a project as the current one, checking out a project (TerraFlex Local only), and removing a project. Click Terra Office Projects on the toolbar to open it. When you first open the window, you will see a list of all existing projects (stored in the ArcGIS Pro project file) with columns representing the project Name, Type, ArcGIS Pro Map, and Source of Accuracy. The current project is highlighted in the list. Only one project can be “set as current” at a time and the Terra Office Field Data dockable window will be used to work with the data in that project.

To create a new project for data collection (or to work with existing projects), you should first have a saved ArcGIS Pro project open with the active map containing the layers that you want to use. All layers for data collection should use the same spatial reference (coordinate system) settings.

  • To create a new project, click Create New.... This opens the Create TerraFlex Project window where you will provide the information required for the project. You will be alerted to any limitations or issues with your ArcGIS Pro project or your ArcGIS Pro installation. It is here where you will pick the type of project to create—TerraFlex Cloud (with cloud sync) or TerraFlex Local (without cloud sync). Refer to the sections below for further information.

  • To edit an existing project, select it in the list and click Edit…. The only thing that can be edited in a project is to publish additional layers. No changes can be made to layers that were previously published.

  • To set an existing project as the current project, select it in the list and click Set Current.

  • To check-out an existing TerraFlex Local project and save it to a TerraFlex Projects file (.tfin) without tasks, select it in the list and click Check-out….

  • To remove a project, select it in the list and click Delete. For TerraFlex Cloud projects, you will be prompted to also remove the project in the TerraFlex Cloud (Trimble Connect and the TerraFlex field application).

Auto fields

TerraFlex uses automatic fields, or “auto fields”, to capture metadata when a form (feature) is collected in the field, without requiring any action from the field user. These metadata fields capture information that is commonly used in a GIS to fully document the feature as collected: horizontal accuracy, vertical accuracy, user, capture date/time, etc.

To utilize auto fields in a TerraFlex project created in Terra Office, each ArcGIS layer must have fields (schema) to store the values. These fields must exist in each layer prior to project creation for auto fields to be configured for them. Users have control over various aspects of auto field configuration:

  • Defining a default set of auto fields to be used.

  • Defining what ArcGIS field name (and alias) will be used for each auto field.

  • Defining default start values for auto-increment auto field types.

To create auto field schema in ArcGIS layers or define auto field defaults, click the Tools button on the Terra Office toolbar.

  • To add ArcGIS schema to one or more layers in the current map:

    1. Click the Add ArcGIS fields to use for TerraFlex auto field values… link. This will open an ArcGIS Pro Geoprocessing tool window with the Add Fields For TerraFlex tool selected (from the Terra Office toolbox that is installed with the add-in).

    2. Select the Input Features layers and the Auto Field Set to use for each layer—either the currently configured (default) set or the full set.

    3. Click Run to add the selected auto field set to the selected layers. If any fields currently exist, they will be skipped. If you want to make changes to what that default set includes, or what field names are used, you should make those changes first (see next bullet).

    4. You do not have to use this tool to add ArcGIS schema for auto field values and can instead create them using any ArcGIS tool or process. Terra Office just needs to know what field name to use for each auto field type (and the data type must match—double for accuracies/DOPs/height, datetime for created/updated, long for auto increment (numeric), and string for everything else).

  • To make changes to any auto field defaults:

    1. Click the Open the TerraFlex auto field configuration file… link. This will open the settings file (AutoFieldConfiguration.txt) in the default text editor. The file is stored in the path C:\ProgramData\Trimble\TerraOfficeArcGISProAddIn and can also be opened directly from there. The file is simple (comma separated values) and has one row for each supported auto field type along with 2 header rows.

    2. To change whether or not a particular auto field is included in your standard set, use the first column (1 to include it, 0 to not include it). To change the ArcGIS field name or attribute used for a particular auto field, use the third and fourth columns. To change the default start values for the two auto-increment auto fields, use the fifth column. Do not change the value of the second column as this defines the underlying TerraFlex auto field type.

    3. After making changes, save the file.