Managing jobs

The Jobs screen appears each time you open a project or create a local project. To view the Jobs screen at any time, tap and select Job.

The main part of the screen lists the jobs in the selected project. If you are signed in to Trimble Connect, jobs that are assigned to you but are not yet downloaded from Trimble Connect are shown in gray text.

To download or upload jobs and job data, you must be signed in to Trimble Connect. The Trimble Connect icon in the title bar is grayed out if you are not signed in.

This version of Trimble Access can open jobs from version 2017.00 and later. When you open a version 2017.xx job from the Jobs screen, the software automatically converts the job to the current version of the software. For more information on loading jobs onto the controller, see File transfer.

Tap a job to select it. The details panel shows information about the selected job.