Measuring and coding observations in one step

To measure and code conventional or GNSS observations in one step, select the feature code you want to measure and store from the Measure codes form. The first time you view the Measure codes form, you must select the codes from the feature library that you want to appear on the form. You can define multiple pages of codes, each consisting of up to 25 codes.

When the code button layout is 3x3 the numeric keypad on the controller can be used. Keys 7, 8, 9, activate the top row of buttons, keys 4, 5, 6 activate the middle row of buttons, keys 1, 2, 3 activate the bottom row of buttons.

To store a note with an observation, tap . By default the note is attached to the previously measured point. To attach the note to the next point, tap Next.

When you tap one of the code buttons in the Measure codes form, the code on that button is added to the Code field at the bottom of the Measure codes form. Typically, you can use the Code button to combine codes from multiple code buttons Where features combine you can apply multiple codes, either from the current group, or a combination of groups. To do this, enable the Multi-code button and then tap the required code buttons in the Measure codes form.

If you are using control codes to create line, arc, or polygon features from points as you measure them, the fastest and easiest way to do this is to select the appropriate control code from the CAD toolbar.

If a code has attributes, the attribute values appear at the bottom of the Measure codes form. You cannot directly edit these attribute values in the form. To change the attribute values, tap Attrib in the Measure codes form or in the Measure topo or Measure point form. For more information, see To enter attribute values when measuring a point.

Stringing support

Measure codes has '+' and '‑' softkeys that enable you to apply a suffix to the code on the button. This is useful when you use the stringing method for feature coding.

You can configure the suffix to 1, 01, 001, or 0001.

When the suffix is configured to 01, tap '+' to increase the code "Fence" to "Fence01". Tap '‑' to decrease the code by 01.

Tap Find to find the next available string for the currently highlighted button.