Additional settings
To configure additional settings, such as adding description fields or configuring the point range for the job, or to add measured points to a CSV file:
- Tap and select Job. The current job is already selected.
- Tap Properties.
- Tap Additional settings.
- Change the fields as required.
To display two additional description fields in some software screens, enable the Use descriptions switch and then enter the Description 1 label and Description 2 label.
The description fields are similar to Code fields because they enable you to add additional information to data. They do not use feature code libraries, and they do not support attributes.
The description field data is available in Trimble DC files as Note records. If required, you can export the data stored in the description fields.
Once the additional descriptions fields are enabled, they are available in the following features of the Trimble Access software:
- Measure topo, Continuous topo or Measure codes
- Stakeout
- Point manager or Review job
- Key in point, line, and arc
- Compute point, Compute average, Transformations, or Traverse
- Station setup
- Wildcard search
Each of the Description fields remembers the descriptions that are entered. To view the stack of previously used descriptions, tap next to the Description field.
Select the Use attributes of base code check box to provide attributes for the complete code, or from a portion of the code – the "base code". This setting is applied throughout the Trimble Access software, including Measuring and coding observations in one step.
Typically, base codes are used when you use the + and ‑ softkeys to "string" feature codes.
For example, when you code a fence where all observations coded "Fence01" are joined together and all observations coded "Fence02" are joined together, and so on, and they all have the same attributes. In this example, you can create feature code libraries that contain all the "Fence**" codes, or contain just the base code "Fence".
If you do string codes, and the feature library includes only the base code, then select the Use attributes of base code check box.
If you do not string codes, or if you do string codes but you include the entire code in the feature library, then you are not using base codes and you should clear the Use attributes of base code check box.
For more information, see Use attributes of base code in the Measure code options.
To add points measured using Measure topo or Measure rounds to a CSV file, enable the Enable switch and then enter the CSV file name. By default, the CSV file is stored in the current project folder.
You can use this option to create a file of control points.
To specify the minimum and maximum point name for the job, enable the Apply point name range switch and then enter the required point names.
The point names must be numeric. Numbers that include decimal points or alphabetic characters are ignored. Negative and positive numbers are supported.
Trimble Access supports using different point names for different types of points. When creating a new job you can configure whether the point names in the new job auto increment from the last used job, or start based on the values set in your job template. You can edit the next point name fields when creating the new job or at any time in an existing job.
To specify the next point name for different point types, enter the required point name in the appropriate field(s). To use the same point name thread for different types of points, for example Topo points and Rapid points, set the Next point names for both Measure points and Rapid points to the same name.
Available point types include measured points, stake out points, keyed in points, construction points, laser points, scanned points, lines, arcs and polylines.
When creating a new job:
- If you have selected Last used job as the template, the default values for the next point name fields will continue from the last used job.
- If you have selected a template, select one of these options to determine the default name of the next point:
- Continue from last job: Populates the next point name fields with the next available point name from the last used job.
- Template: Populates the next point name fields with the names specified in the template.