Construction offsets

Construction offsets can be defined for any road design file, and for any string you are staking as a road.

To stake positions offset from the road so that the roadway is left clear for construction, define one or more construction offsets for the road. The construction offset is applied to all positions in the road.

When you define a construction offset for a road, the offset is:

  • used for all roads of the same file format in the same job.
  • used for all subsequent surveys of the road in the same job, until a different construction offset is defined.
  • not used for the same road when it accessed from a different job.

To define a construction offset, enter values in the appropriate Horizontal offset and/or Vertical offset fields. Tap Options for advanced features.

In the plan or cross section view, a construction offset is indicated by a dashed green line, and a solid green circle indicates the selected position adjusted for the construction offsets.