Precise elevations

If you are using a GNSS receiver for stakeout, then you don't need to maintain line of sight to a total station. Sometimes, however, you need to use a total station for better elevation control. In Trimble Access Roads you can enable the Precise elevation option to get the best of both worlds: set up an integrated survey and use the GNSS for horizontal positioning and use the total station for vertical positioning.

Because you don't need the total station for horizontal positioning you can set it up on a high point with good visibility (no horizontal coordinates are needed) and use the Station elevation feature to tie into known point(s) to set the elevation control.

When using Precise elevation, the software provides horizontal navigation based on GNSS, and vertical navigation from the total station. When you store the staked point, three point records are stored: a GNSS position, a total station position, and a combined position.

For an overview of setting up precise elevation and using it to stake out a road, watch the Integrated surveying with precise elevation video on the Trimble Access YouTube channel.