To extend the Protection Plan coverage period

To extend the coverage period for a device, purchase the appropriate Protection Plans in the Trimble Store and then add them to the device in the Virtual Warehouse.

If the device is a controller, only the software maintenance can be extended in the Virtual Warehouse. To extend the hardware coverage, go to

  1. Select the Assign/Upgrades tab.
  2. Select the device.
  3. If the required bundle or field software has not been assigned, select one from the Available Stock panel and assign it.
  4. To change the:
    • software maintenance on a controller, select the appropriate field software tile in the Configuration panel and click Assign Trimble Protection Plans.
    • software maintenance for office software, select the software edition tile in the Configuration panel and click Assign Trimble Protection Plans.
    • hardware coverage or firmware maintenance on a receiver, click Assign Trimble Protection Plans the Configuration panel.
  5. In the popup dialog, select the Protection Plan(s) to apply.

    Only Protection Plans that can be applied to the selected item are shown.

    When extending the Protection Plan for field or office software that has been upgraded, where the upgraded product has different protection plans available to the original product, if you click Assign Trimble Protection Plans in the original product tile the Virtual Warehouse shows the appropriate protection plans for the upgraded product, since no further protection plans can be applied to the original product.

  6. If required, select the sales order/purchase order number.
  7. To further extend the expiry date, increase the quantity of the selected plan, if applicable.

    For example, to add a Protection Plan so that the hardware has a coverage period of 5 years, select the hardware Protection Plans and change the quantity to 4. Including the factory hardware warranty provided with the device, the device has a total coverage period of 5 years.

  8. Click Assign.
  9. To install the Protection Plan, update the device using Trimble Installation Manager.